April Lauren running

From 352.8 lbs to running a 5k, this is my couch to 5K race story | April Lauren Weigh In Wednesday

April Lauren Claims To Run 30 Minutes Straight But Walks 4 Out Of 15 Minutes

3 MILES FOR TIME | AND Everything Hurts 5K | Weigh in Wednesday

ONE Mile for Time | Feeling Blue... not my best effort. | April Lauren | Weight Loss Journey

My First Half Marathon Experience | Ep 15

Three Miles for time | Weigh In Wednesday | Non-Scale Victories | April Lauren

How I am preparing for my first Half Marathon EP 4

My Birthday and Milestones | Celebrating with a 4 mile fun run | Weigh in Wednesday

One Mile for Time on my 200lbs weight loss journey | April Lauren Weigh In Wednesday

August Goals, Intentions and Reset with a splash of 5k training | April Lauren

April Lauren got dropped

First Run without Intervals on my Couch to 5k Training | Day in the Life

Thoughts on April Lauren running a marathon #shorts #aprillauren #marathon

Gaining weight? weigh in | 7 mile run, Half Marathon Training Ep 9

1 month post #WeightLossSurgery #duodenalswitch #weightupdate #aprillauren

3 Miles for Time | Non-scale Victories and Signing up for my first 5k

How I am going to move forward after gaining weight on my Weight Loss Journey | April Lauren

Weigh in Wednesdays going forward? | Reset Morning Routine, Starting my Garden | Day in the Life

Struggling with Goodbyes, Vegas and Finishing our Cross Country Road Trip | April Lauren

DAY IN THE LIFE | Going to Trader Joes, Teaching Yoga, training to run my 5k and my reset

It's moving week! | My First 10K and Goodbye House Tour | April Lauren Half Marathon Training Ep 12

Can I handle this? Hiccups, scheduling our move and Deload Week | Half Marathon Training Ep 10

WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY and GOING 22 miles with 22 pounds in September

Full Day of Eating | Sharing My Weight Loss Journey | What I Eat in a Day | Losing 200lbs